header by Emerson Taymor, 2005

1. Pre-Columbian Mexico

2. The Conquest

3. Colonial Mexico

4. The Nineteenth Century

5. The Revolution

6. Mexico Since 1920

7. Theories of Mexicanidad

8. Borderlands and comparative history




Chapter 5: The Revolution

  1. Roderic Ai Camp on the causes of the Mexican Revolution
  2. E. Bradford Burns, "The Mexican Explosion," Latin America: An Interpretive History
  3. Ramón Eduardo Ruiz, "Don Porfirio's Testament," from Triumphs and Tragedy: A History of the Mexican People (1993)
  4. Foster, the story of the revolution
  5. narrative summary of the revolution, from Beezley and Maclachlan, Mexicans in Revolution 1910-1946
  6. another narrative summary of the Revolution, from Beezley and MacLachlan, Mexico: The Essentials
  7. faces of the revolution
  8. photo collections on the Mexican Revolution, from the University of Texas-El Paso
  9. Short timeline and review of the course of the revolution
  10. Madero, Plan de San Luis Potosi (1910)
  11. Zapata, Plan de Ayala (1911)
  12. Carranza: Plan de Guadalupe (1913)
  13. Corrido about the death of Madero (1913)
  14. Frazer, excerpts from Bandit Nation: A History of Outlaws and Cultural Struggle in Mexico, 1810-1920
  15. "Women Fight on Both Sides," New York Times (1913)
  16. Vicente Blasco Ibañez, "Mexico's Army a Ragged Horde of Both Sexes," New York Times (1920)
  17. Andrés Reséndez Fuentes, "Battleground Women: Soldaderas and Female Soldiers in the Mexican Revolution," The Americas (1995)
  18. Elena Poniatowska, from Here's to You, Jesusa!, on soldaderas
  19. Friedrich Katz, The Life and Times of Pancho Villa: a description of Villa's appeal
  20. Corridos about Pancho Villa
  21.  More revolutionary corridos, including "The Death of Zapata"
  22. Timothy Bella, "Mattis, Defending Troop Deployment Against Caravan, Cites Pancho Villa's Raid," Washington Post (Nov. 2018)
  23.  Mexican Constitutions, 1814-1917
  24. Roderic Ai Camp, summary of the Constitution of 1917
  25.  1917 Constitution, Articles 3, 27, 123, and 130
  26.  Pellicer, “Ode to Cuauhtemoc
  27. PBS Newshour segment on the history and legacy of Mexican muralism
  28.  Anonymous, “The Socialist ABCs”
  29. Elena Jackson Albarrán, "The Socialist Education Experiment in Revolutionary Mexico"
  30.  Juan Rulfo, "They Gave Us the Land"
  31. Larry Barretto, from Bright Mexico (1935), on revolutionary education
  32. Ben Fallaw, "Dry Law, Wet Politics: Drinking and Prohibition in Post-Revolutionary Yucatán, 1915-35"
  33. Ward Morton, "Who Speaks for the Women of Mexico?" on the push for suffrage
  34. video on the revolution from the bottom up