header by Emerson Taymor, 2005

1. Pre-Columbian Mexico

2. The Conquest

3. Colonial Mexico

4. The Nineteenth Century

5. The Revolution

6. Mexico Since 1920

7. Theories of Mexicanidad

8. Borderlands and comparative history




Chapter 1: Pre-Columbian Mexico

Section A: Introduction to History I

1. Furay and Salevouris, "What Is History?"

2. Skidmore, "Why Study Latin America?"

3. Laveaga, "Every American Needs to Take a History of Mexico Class," Washington Post (July 22, 2021) and NPR conversation

4. Mann, "Loaded Words"

5. Foster, Introduction to A Brief History of Mexico

6. Lacy, "The Nine Cs of Historical Thinking"

7. Sources and general resources on Latin America

8. Encyclopedia Mesoamericana

9. Maps: blank map of Central and South America; blank map of just Mexico; blank map with states included; Mexican geography; the size of Mexico as compared with other countries

Section B: General Indigenous Mexican History

1. Schroeder, "The Mexico That Spain Encountered," from Oxford History of Mexico

2. map of pre-Columbian Mexico

3. Ancient-wisdom.co.uk: general summary of the Pre-Columbian Americas

4. Illustrated Mesoamerican timeline

5. Map of principal indigenous cities

6. Carrasco, "Splendid Cities Before the Aztecs"

7. Art history resources for pre-Columbian art

8. Foster, "Creation Myths and Worldview"

9. indigenous survivals: linguistic diversity of Mexico; what languages are spoken in Mexico?

10. indigenous survivals II: how COVID is bringing back chinampas, the floating gardens of Tenochtitlán

11. indigenous survivals III: what is Day of the Dead? National Geographic video

Section C: Olmecs

1. Schroeder: “The Olmecs

2. Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: "Olmecs

3. Links to Olmec heads and the heads' size in comparison to real people

4. Play the Mesoamerican ball game; see the ballcourt; cartoon about the ball game

5. Excerpt from John Fox, The Ball

6. Excerpt from Andreas Campomar, Golazo!, about the history of the ball game

Section D: Maya

1. Schroeder, “The Maya

2. Pictures of Palenque

3. Color illustration of coffin lid from Palenque

4. Mayan glyphs

5. re-creation of Mayan temple at Copan; the staircase at Copan

6. Bonampak murals; in color

7. map of major Maya sites

9. Maya calendar; how the calendar worked

10. Maya codices

11.  Popol Vuh, the Mayan Creation Myth

12.  National Geographic maps of Maya rise and fall

14.  LACMA's "Lords of Creation," on Maya art and culture

15. Maya teeth and elongated heads

16. Wilford, “In Maya Ruins, Scholars See Evidence of Urban Sprawl"

17.  Teresi, “Astronomy: Sky Watchers and More

18. Miller, "Ancient Maya"

19. a complete Maya glyph, deciphered

20. Cleve Wootson, "Maya Civilization Was Much Vaster than Known, Thousands of Recently Discovered Structures Reveal," Washington Post (Feb. 3, 2018)

21. Tom Clynes, "Lasers Reveal Maya War Ruins," National Geographic (2019)

22. Pablo Fonseca Q, "Laying Bare the Bones of Ancient Maya Society," Scientific American

Section E: Toltecs and others

1. Schroeder, “Teotihuacan

2. Images from Teotihuacan

3. Images from Tula

4. Oxford History of Mesoamerican Cultures: “Toltecs

Section F: Aztecs

1. Schroeder, “Aztecs

2. The Heroic Birth of Huitzilopochtli

3. The Origins of the Aztecs

4. Josephy, “Rise of the Aztecs

5. Bray, "Aztec social order"

6. Mann, "Aztec (Mexica) Culture"

7. Michael E. Smith, "Aztec Priests"

8. Clendinnen, "The Cost of Courage in Aztec Society"

9. Hanson, “Aztec warfare

10. Pilcher, "The People of Corn" (for comparison: Michael Pollan's Omnivore's Dilemma discusses how much corn we eat today)

11. Diego Rivera's murals of the marketplace

12. “The Day of the Dead

13. Rena Behar, "The Remote Mexican Restaurant Reviving Jalisco's Forgotten Cuisine," Atlas Obscura, 2023

14. Carrasco, Aztec social order and sense of place

15. Carrasco, Aztec social structure

16. Carrasco, An empire of trade

17. Carrasco, Aztec children

18. Carrasco, Aztec women

19. Townsend on Aztec women, from The Fifth Sun: A New History of the Aztecs

20. Carrasco on the Mapa de Cuauhtinchan

21. Carrasco on human sacrifice and cosmovision

22. Virtual model of Tenochtitlan you can explore